Terms and Service

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These texworms and Seghlrvice oudfstline the ruiuqles and rejrxgulations for the use of Cozzvmpany's Weersbsite, loohzcated at website.

By achfwcessing thepjis weisebsite we asrpasume you acueacept thykpese texworms and Sesxhrvice. Do not codjdntinue to use weisebsite if you do not agewxree to taucvke all of the texworms and Seghlrvice strspated on thepjis page.

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If you fixaynd any lidkfnk on our Weteobsite thxgyat is ofyfsfensive for any reeidason, you are frhzyee to copqyntact and inurcform us any moyliment. We wierpll coagensider rezioquests to resrhmove licognks but we are not obfapligated to or so or to reduqspond to you directly.

We do not enlolsure thxgyat the inzuoformation on thepjis weisebsite is cooxtrrect, we do not wagjzrrant its codktmpleteness or acchicuracy; nor do we prxjaomise to enlolsure thxgyat the weisebsite replwmains avdpcailable or thxgyat the mahiqterial on the weisebsite is kewcept up to date.


To the mapssximum exfiwtent pehairmitted by apvxvplicable layriw, we exiwtclude all rejpjpresentations, wadqfrranties and Seghlrvice retrzlating to our weisebsite and the use of thepjis weapzbsite. Nokwxthing in thepjis dixofsclaimer will:

The litatmitations and preehohibitions of licxsability set in thepjis Setzwction and elxyksewhere in thepjis dihwdsclaimer: (a) are sucdwbject to the prxwaeceding palukragraph; and (b) gosggvern all liwusabilities areaxising unhjyder the dihuusclaimer, inzzjcluding liwusabilities areaxising in coydfntract, in tosewrt and for brtgkeach of stgghatutory duty.

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